I was working on an older gents house, and he was a follower. He asked if I minded him following to see what I was doing. I gladly let him, so he could learn about how his cabling worked. We talked cable for a bit while my hands kept busy fixing, and then he noticed my last name.
He mentioned he knew a guy with my last name, and asked if I had family around. I said no, as my family came through with BNSF, and my dad moved on while I stayed. He mentioned the guy's name, and that was my dad's name. I said naw, couldn't be, he was here 25 years ago. He said, that is the right time frame.
I called up my dad right there, and sure enough he knew the guy. My dad remembered because they both worked sales together, and my dad used the term "Hey don't Jew me down." to a customer. The guy who was following me was Jewish, and overheard it. They had the conversation about how that was a racist/anti semite remark. Thus they remembered each other.
The guy turned out to have a hobby. He makes prize winning jams and jellies. He wins the state fair every other year, and gave me some of his Jelly. He then cursed about the guy who takes the prize from him every other year. They both have the name Jim. The Jelly Jims. I thanked him after fixing his cable, we shook hands, and I took the Jelly home. My family loved it.
That week I was cleaning my backyard and met the guy who lives behind me. His name is Jim. He makes Jellies, and every other year some asshole named Jim takes the prize from him at the state fair. He gave me some of his Jellies. My family loved his Jellies also.
I live in a suburb of a rather largish city.
Small world.
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