Saturday, January 11, 2014

My Manager

My manager told me a story about when he was a cable guy in the olden days. He was quite proud of it. He was collecting payments from non-pays. It was his duty to go up and let them know to pay, or he was going to shut them off, and he did it with a smile.

One gentleman got in a fury. I don't have to pay this shit! I won't do it. He merely smiled back "Ok." and went to go get his climbing gear on. The big fat gentleman ran out, red in the face, waving a check. "Damn it!  Take it!  I want my tv on!"
My manager took the check, removed the gear, and watched the man huff back into the house.  

My manager went down the street to the next house and was talking to the lady about paying when an ambulance arrived at the gentleman's house. He watched as the fat man was wheeled out on a stretcher into the ambulance.

To this day my manager gloats about how he infuriated a man to death.

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