Saturday, January 11, 2014

Get off my lawn!

People tend to flock together, living near others of similar ages and income. One such neighborhood is full of well to do old people. In there I have met grey haired old people with pictures of numerous presidents shaking hands with them, and others who have houses full of oriental treasures. One such old person I backed up his driveway to get to his house, but had to stop. The houses are very close together, and his neighbor was up on a ladder painting his house. I had to get out, and figure out how to maneuver my van around him and his ladder right next to the driveway. I do so, but had to swing the van in an S curve to avoid him. 

6 inches of my tires went off the driveway and onto his lawn. The very old man got off his ladder and started banging on my window, cursing me for hurting his lawn. I get out, survey the damage, stifle a laugh, and call my manager out. I fix the guy's house who I was there for, while my manager dealt with senior loco. 

I fix the problem, and wave the guy off.  

Manager gave him his number to call.

The guy lights up his phone for a week demanding to know where I live so he could come and pull up my lawn to replace his own. My manager and I both laughed about it for a while.

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