Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Being a cable guy and dealing with spiders

Where I live there are two main types of spiders you have to worry about, fiddlebacks and black widows.

Fiddlebacks are everywhere. They like woody material that is dry mostly, and around 70 degrees.   They live in your walls, in your couches, under your furniture, everywhere. I smash them on sight.  
They are a light tan/brown and semi translucent. I have been mildly bit by one on my chest, only realizing later that evening. The bite remained a large lump on my chest for a month.

Black widows like pedestals (where cable meets the main line in your backyards.)

They generally live alone. I always knock on the ped before opening, and that scares them down to the bottom. I've caught a few.

The best way is to put a bottle down below them, and then knock on the tap plate, and they will scurry down into the bottle. Cap it, and I got myself a pretty.

Here recently, this last fall, it was dark and one caught me off guard in a ped. I had to squish the poor gal. Thinking I'm ok after she was gone I began my work. Turns out they can live in close proximity to others. She had a sister that nearly got me. The customer was standing over my shoulder with a flash light, and I let out a good yell. We both laughed about it. He used to be in the army.

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